Reasons to Consider a Variable-Speed Air Conditioner

As a homeowner, you want to make choices for your home that enhance its comfort, use energy efficiently, and improve indoor air quality. When replacing your cooling system, you have several options, including installing a variable-speed air conditioner. Variable-speed compressors and air handlers have increased in popularity over the years, and in this post, you’ll learn why they’ve become the preferred cooling system for homeowners in Sandy Spring, GA.

The Role of an Air Handler

The air handler is responsible for taking the air cooled by the air conditioner and moving it through the house. Air handlers use electricity to achieve this task. Standard air handlers produce and distribute a surge of chilled air until the thermostat reaches the desired temperature. After this happens, the handler stops distributing chilled air until the temperature rises and requires cooling. A variable-speed air handler keeps the home cooled differently. It runs at various speeds constantly to produce more consistent cooling.

Benefits of Variable-Speed Air Conditioners

Consistent cooling performance is the number one reason homeowners prefer variable-speed air handlers is consistent cooling performance. Because the variable-speed handler runs nonstop, homes don’t experience temperature fluctuations. The handler changes its speed to match the temperature needs of the house.

Another reason homeowners prefer variable-speed AC products is efficiency. Everyone’s looking for ways to lower energy consumption at home and spend less on energy costs. At first thought, you might think an air conditioner that runs most of the time wastes energy, but not a variable-speed air conditioner. The bulk of energy produced by a standard air conditioner happens at start-up. Variable-speed compressors operate at lower speeds, cycling on and off less frequently, resulting in less energy than an air conditioner that goes from zero to 60 every ten or so minutes.

Other reasons to consider upgrading to a variable-speed air handler include:

  • Cleaner air
  • Fewer repairs
  • Quiet operation
  • Increased life expectancy

Call Today for More Information

To learn more about all the benefits of variable speed air conditioners and our professional installation services, contact Comfort Atlanta Heating & Air today.

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